Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Mommywoe's and Mommywee's


This is my first Blog written out of necessity, others to follow I'm sure.  This is more of a catharsis but feel free to ramble, speak professionally, or just say whatever positive thing you can find to make another parent a better one.   Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my thoughts and feelings on raising a child in today's world.

Each day I will take 7 seconds and share a thought, new plan, goals accomplished, anything positive for a more enriching and rewarding life.

Blog 1~

I am a Mother of an only child (not really but her 3 half siblings are over 20) and I am struggling with this "readiness" issue for Kindergarten . My daughter turned 5 this August, she is starting Kindergarten in 2 weeks, full days. This is new to the school and I am afraid it's too much time in class and social stress on her at at one time at such a young age.

Last year we had to remove her from busing to/from school as children were already teasing calling out to her "baby baby your hair is white you look like a baby", they untied both her shoes, and 2 boys behind her said they had a bomb in their backpacks. This bus had a para professional and only Pre-K and Kindergarten children. As a parent my question is, "What the heck am I exposing my child to?" The school investigated and said the Para didn't see anything unusual and she was only asked to tie both shoes by my daughter prior to exiting the bus. My Samantha was only newly 4 then.

Carryover to this year~
This change to full days are now mandatory as of this year. She spent 2 years at this school in Pre-K, half days, so I'm all for her expanding mind and having new experiences but isn't it just too much?

For parents already going through this, what advice would you give to to monitor real progress and not get sidetracked by the new norm Common Core testing? As well as monitoring their social interactions? I'm told, "She has to be ready for the Common Core testing by 2nd grade". These comments are overwhelming my thoughts. What's best for Samantha?

If I could, I would like to school her online and get involved with community sports for her social outlets but 2 parents that are working all day doesn't allow for this. What can we do to make this new norm more easy to swallow, what compromises are okay and what is not okay?

How are other parents dealing with this full day Kindergarten regimen?

Thank you for replying, I look forward to sharing more Mommywoe's and Mommywee's in the coming weeks.
Sammi's Mom <3

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